
7th February 2025
What is cloud computing?
94% of all companies worldwide use cloud computing, reducing costs and improving efficiency*.‘Cloud’ is one of those IT terms that we hear so often, but if someone asked us what…

5th February 2025
Why is it important to keep your systems updated?
Without the latest patch your IT system could be inefficient, or even at risk.Updates always come at the most inconvenient times. Imagine you’re just starting your busy day of…

4th November 2024
Where Elon Musk has led the way with electric cars, he now leads the way bringing satellite communications to the masses. In 2002, he founded SpaceX, his Space Exploration…

28th October 2024
OLED Monitor - Yes/No?
Organic Light-Emitting Diode (OLED) monitors are the hot new display trend but what are they and do you (really) need one?Although not a new invention (OLED displays have been…

15th October 2024
Are you happy with your IT support?
Managed Service Providers (MSPs) are organisations that provide ongoing IT support and services to a business. A good one is invaluable, making the difference between a smooth…

25th September 2024
Farewell Windows 10 ...
Windows 10 has been with us for over 9 years now, having been launched in July 2015 (interestingly, there never was a Windows 9 (technical and branding reasons) and so, it…

18th September 2024
New Starter - IT Checklist
So you have a new employee arriving - other than a new email address, what else do you need to consider? Quite a lot it seems, if you want to ensure a smooth onboarding experience…

10th September 2024
Cloud vs Server
Originally, the benefits of using the cloud tended to focus on the limitless storage but now, with increasing security issues, it is generally accepted that it is the most secure…

2nd September 2024
PC & Phone in Seamless Harmony
Back in the olden days (i.e more than 12 months ago), when you wanted to download your photos and What Not from your phone to your pc, you would hunt around for a cable, connect…