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Privacy Policy


Interfuture Systems Limited understands that your privacy is important and that you care about how your personal data is used. We respect and value the privacy of all our clients and partners and will only collect and use personal data in ways that are described here, and in a way that is consistent with our obligations and your rights under the law.

1. Who we are? 

Business Name

Interfuture Systems Limited trading as ‘Interfuture’ (registered in England and Wales no: 340 7469)

Registered Address

Kemps Business Park, London Road, Balcombe, Haywards Heath, West Sussex, RH17 6JH

VAT Number

679 939 546

Our Data Protection Department can be contacted via email [email protected] or by telephone +44(0)345 5210822.

Interfuture provides its services which includes consultancy, IT management and monitoring solutions such as network, systems and database management, security solutions, applications and infrastructure monitoring, structured cabling solution, wireless, Voice & VoIP, hosting and IT support – to business clients using not only its own services but its partners and vendors. Interfuture in some cases is a Data Processor as well as a Data Controller.

Further information about Interfuture along with the products and services that we can provide are detailed on our website at

2. What Does This Notice Cover?

This Privacy Information explains how we use your personal data: how it is collected, how it is held, and how it is processed. It also explains your rights under the law relating to your personal data.

3. What is Personal Data?

Personal data is defined by the General Data Protection Regulation (EU Regulation 2016/679) (the “GDPR”) as ‘any information relating to an identifiable person who can be directly or indirectly identified in particular by reference to an identifier’.

Personal data is, in simpler terms, any information about you that enables you to be identified. Personal data covers obvious information such as your name and contact details, but it also covers less obvious information such as identification numbers, electronic location data, and other online identifiers.

The personal data that we use is set out in Part 5, below.

4. What Are My Rights?

Under the GDPR, you have the following rights, which Interfuture will always work to uphold:

a) The right to be informed about our collection and use of your personal data. This Privacy Notice should tell you everything you need to know, but you can always contact us to find out more or to ask any questions using the details in Part 11 below.

b) The right to access the personal data we hold about you. Part 10 will tell you how to do this.

c) The right to have your personal data rectified if any of your personal data held by us is inaccurate or incomplete. Please contact us using the details in Part 11 to find out more.

d) The right to be forgotten, i.e. the right to ask us to delete or otherwise dispose of any of your personal data that we have. Please contact us using the details in Part 11 to find out more.

e) The right to restrict (i.e. prevent) the processing of your personal data.

f) The right to object to us using your personal data for a particular purpose or purposes.

g) The right to data portability. This means that, if you have provided personal data to us directly, we are using it with your consent or for the performance of a contract, and that data is processed using automated means, you can ask us for a copy of that personal data to re-use with another service or business in many cases.

h) Rights relating to automated decision-making and profiling. We do not use your personal data in this way.

For more information about our use of your personal data or exercising your rights as outlined above, please contact us using the details provided in Part 11.

Further information about your rights can also be obtained from the Information Commissioner’s Office or your local Citizens Advice Bureau.

If you have any cause for complaint about our use of your personal data, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office.

5. What Personal Data Do You Collect?

As a provider of Managed and Hosted Services, we may receive, process or store certain information, including personal data, on behalf of our clients. All such information (“Client Data”) is owned and controlled by our clients, who are the data controllers for such information with respect to EU data protection law. Client Data may include information from end points and other systems, tools or devices that we or our clients manage or monitor, and end user data related to an individual’s activities on a client’s network and systems. It may also include event logs, end user information (such as IP address, email address, username and computer name), and other data where relevant to a support or service request. Interfuture is a data processor for Client Data. This means that Interfuture processes Client Data on the basis of instructions from our clients. If Interfuture receives a data subject request, it may redirect this request to its client, as the client is the controller of the client data.

Data Relating to Our Clients and Users of Managed Services and Sites

Interfuture collects information as part of its normal business operations and in the administration of its relationship with clients, which may include personal data.

Business Contact and Customer Relationship Management

We collect and maintain information about our clients, which may include company name, business contact name and title, phone number, email and other contact details. We may also collect billing address, financial account, order details, subscription and license information, and usage details. In addition, we collect user credential and profile data (name, contact, authorised users) of Customer’s authorised users and account administrators.

Data Submitted

In order to access or use certain portions of the Managed Services, to enjoy the full functionality of the Managed Services, or to conduct or seek to conduct business with us, you may be prompted to provide certain personal data to us, including in the following ways:

  • by filling in forms (for example, a “Send An Enquiry” form) on our website or anywhere else we conduct business

  • by downloading or accessing the Managed Service products

  • by subscribing to newsletters or other communications

  • by corresponding with us by phone, e-mail, chat or otherwise using our contact details

Typically, the personal data you give us may include name, business affiliation, business address, telephone number, and email address, and any personal details required to resolve any enquiries or complaints.

Third Parties

We may also obtain personal data about clients from third parties, such as LinkedIn, Facebook and other publicly accessible sources.

Customer Support and Service

When clients contact us for support or other customer service requests, we maintain support tickets and other records related to the requests, including any information provided by clients related to such support or service requests. We may also collect call recordings related to support and customer service-related calls.

Usage Details

We collect information about clients’ usage of our Managed Services, including IP address, Customer ID, email address, and other usage statistics. We do not collect usage details about Customer end users, except as necessary for support or to provide the services requested by Clients (in which case we are a data processor of such data).

When you visit our website, our servers automatically collect certain browser or device generated information, which may in some cases constitute personal data, including but not limited to:

  • your domain

  • your IP address

  • your date, time and duration of your visit

  • your browser type

  • your operating system

  • your page visits

  • information from third parties

  • other information about your computer or device

  • internet traffic

De-identified Data

We may de-identify and aggregate certain data we collect such that the data no longer identifies or can be linked to a particular customer or an individual data subject (“De-identified Data”), subject to the terms of any applicable customer agreements. We may use this data to improve our Services, analyse trends, publish market research, and for other marketing, research or statistical purposes, and may disclose such data to third parties for these specific purposes.

Other Data

Interfuture collects, uses and maintains certain data related to its business and the Services it provides to Clients, which is not personal data; this privacy notice does not restrict our use and processing of such data.

6. How Do You Use My Personal Data?

Under the GDPR, we must always have a lawful basis for using personal data. This may be because the data is necessary for our performance of a contract with you, because you have consented to our use of your personal data, or because it is in our legitimate business interests to use it. Your personal data will be used for the following purposes:

  • Providing and managing your account

  • Supplying our products and services to you. Your personal details are required in order for us to enter into a contract with you

  • Personalising and tailoring our products and services to you

  • Communicating with you. This may include responding to emails or calls from you

  • Supplying you with information by email and post that you have opted-in to (you may unsubscribe or opt-out at any time by clicking the ‘unsubscribe’ link in Interfuture email marketing or by emailing [email protected]

With your permission and/or where permitted by law, we may also use your personal data for marketing purposes, which may include contacting you by email and telephone and text message and post with information, news, and offers on our products and services. You will not be sent any unlawful marketing or spam. We will always work to fully protect your rights and comply with our obligations under the GDPR and the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003, and you will always have the opportunity to opt-out.

7. How Long Will You Keep My Personal Data?

We will not keep your personal data for any longer than is necessary in light of the reason(s) for which it was first collected. There is no fixed period that personal data is retained, the following factors will be used to determine how long it is kept.

Is it required to:

  • Meet Contractual, legal and reporting requirements

  • To perform and report on business operations and/or services supplied to you and/or your company by Interfuture

  • Supplying you with information by email and post until you unsubscribe or opt-out

  • To indicate that you have you unsubscribed or opted-out

8. How and Where Do You Store or Transfer My Personal Data?

We may store or transfer some or all of your personal data in countries that are not part of the European Economic Area (the “EEA” consists of all EU member states, plus Norway, Iceland, and Liechtenstein). These are known as “third countries” and may not have data protection laws that are as strong as those in the UK and/or the EEA. This means that we will take additional steps in order to ensure that your personal data is treated just as safely and securely as it would be within the UK and under the GDPR as follows.

We use specific contracts with external third parties that are approved by the European Commission for the transfer of personal data to third countries. These contracts ensure the same levels of personal data protection that would apply under the GDPR.

Where we transfer your data to a third party based in the US, this may be protected if they are part of the EU- US Privacy Shield. This requires that third party to provide data protection to standards and similar levels of data protection to those in Europe.

Please contact us using the details below in Part 11 for further information about the particular data protection mechanism used by us when transferring your personal data to a third country.

The security of your personal data is essential to us, and to protect your data, we take a number of important measures, such as ‘two factor authentication’ (2FA where possible), restricted access based on responsibilities and roles, encryption, automatic patching, updates and vulnerability scanning and backup.

9. Do You Share My Personal Data?

Interfuture may sometimes contract with third parties to supply products and/or services to you on our behalf. These may include payment processing, delivery, and marketing. In some cases, those third parties may require access to some or all of your personal data that we hold.

If any of your personal data is required by a third party, as described above, we will take steps to ensure that your personal data is handled safely, securely, and in accordance with your rights, our obligations, and the third party’s obligations under the law, as described above in Part 8.

If any personal data is transferred outside of the EEA, we will take suitable steps in order to ensure that your personal data is treated just as safely and securely as it would be within the UK and under the GDPR, as explained above in Part 8.

In some limited circumstances, we may be legally required to share certain personal data, which might include yours, if we are involved in legal proceedings or complying with legal obligations, a court order, or the instructions of a government authority.

Interfuture reserves the right to share any information that is not deemed personal data or is not otherwise subject to contractual restrictions.

10. How Can I Access My Personal Data?

If you want to know what personal data we have about you, you can ask us for details of that personal data and for a copy of it (where any such personal data is held). This is known as a “subject access request”. The Subject Access Request Form can be requested via [email protected]

All subject access requests should be made in writing and sent to the email or postal addresses shown in Part 11. To make this as easy as possible for you, a Subject Access Request Form is available for you to use. You do not have to use this form, but it is the easiest way to tell us everything we need to know to respond to your request as quickly as possible.

There is not normally any charge for a subject access request. If your request is ‘manifestly unfounded or excessive’ (for example, if you make repetitive requests) a fee may be charged to cover our administrative costs in responding.

We will respond to your subject access request within 20 days and, in any case, not more than one month of receiving it. Normally, we aim to provide a complete response, including a copy of your personal data within that time. In some cases, however, particularly if your request is more complex, more time may be required up to a maximum of three months from the date we receive your request. You will be kept fully informed of our progress.

11. How Do I Contact You?

To contact us about anything to do with your personal data and data protection, including to make a subject access request, please use the following details (for the attention of Data Protection Team):

Email address: [email protected]
Telephone number: +44(0)345 5210822

Postal Address:
Interfuture (GDPR)
Interfuture Systems Limited
Kemps Business Park
London Road
West Sussex
RH17 6JH

12. Changes to this Privacy Notice

We may change this Privacy Notice from time to time. This may be necessary, for example, if the law changes, or if we change our business in a way that affects personal data protection. Updated change requests can be made via [email protected]

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